
Bylaws of the Village of Bulyea are available in pdf format from the list below. The bylaws will open in a new window after clicking on the appropriate link. Information contained on these pages has no legal status and have been provided solely for research and/or convenience.

This is not an official listing of all of the Village of Bulyea Bylaws. The official bylaws are available from the Village of Bulyea office and must be consulted for purposes of interpretation and application of the law. For information on Bylaws not provided on this site, please contact the Village Office Administrator at
306-725-4936 or email

Bylaw 72-87 Emergency Measures Organization

Bylaw 76-87 Plastic Plumbing

Bylaw 79-88 Contravention of Bylaws

Bylaw 86-90 Recreation

Bylaw 96-93 Snowmobiles

Bylaw 101-97 Percent Rate for Business Assessment

Bylaw 01-00 Increase of Alderman

Bylaw 02-02 Animal Control (Pursuant to Section 135 of the Urban Municipality Act)

Bylaw 02-04 Build within 2 years

Bylaw 01-06 Charging for fire call out fees

Bylaw 02-06 Animal Control (A Bylaw to License and Prohibit Animals Running at Large)

Bylaw 04-12 Dispense with Assessment Notices

Bylaw 01-13 Cemetery Committee Bylaw

Bylaw 08-13 Ball Park Bylaw

Bylaw 01-14 Public Notice Policy Bylaw

Bylaw 03-14 Administrative Bylaw

Administrator Duties

Bylaw 04-14 Street Closure Bylaw

Bylaw 05-14 Road Maintenance Agreement Bylaw

Bylaw 05-14 Road Maintenance Agreement for Bylaw 05-14

Bylaw 11-15 Official Community Plan

Bylaw 11-15 Official Community Plan Map

Bylaw 12-15 Zoning Bylaw

Bylaw 12-15 Zoning Map

Bylaw 14-15 Utility Management Bylaw

Bylaw 15-15 Nuisance Abatement

Bylaw 16-16 Nuisance Abatement Amendment

Bylaw 17-16 Council Procedures Bylaw

Bylaw 18-16 Business Licensing Bylaw

2017 – Snow Removal Policy

2017 – Snow Removal Map

Bylaw 20-17 Code of Ethics Bylaw

Bylaw 21-17 Tax Incentives and Penalties

Bylaw 22-17 Employee Code of Conduct

Bylaw 22-17 Employee Code of Conduct Exhibit A

Bylaw 23-17 Zoning Amendment Bylaw

Bylaw 28-17 Fire Restriction

Bylaw 31-17 EMO Bylaw Local

Bylaw 34-18 Mill Rate Factors

Bylaw 01-20 Mail-in Ballot Bylaw

Bylaw 02-20 Tax Certificate Bylaw

Bylaw 03-20 Predator Control Officer Bylaw

Bylaw 01-21 Ball Park Bylaw Amendment

Bylaw 02-21 Employee Code of Conduct Exhibit A – Amendment

Bylaw 04-21 Utility Rates Bylaw

Bylaw 05-21 Amending Official Community Plan Bylaw

Bylaw 05-21 Amending Official Community Plan Bylaw Map

Bylaw 06-21 Amending Zoning Bylaw

Bylaw 06-21 Amending Zoning Bylaw Map

Bylaw 02-22 Garbage and Recycle Levy

Bylaw 04-22 Cemetery Bylaw

Bylaw 01-23 Base Tax Bylaw

Bylaw 02-23 OCP Amendment Bylaw

Bylaw 03-23 Zoning Amendment Bylaw

Bylaw 01-24 General Elections Bylaw

Bylaw 02-24 Community Hall Committee Bylaw

Bylaw 03-24 Building Bylaw

Bylaw 04-24 Base Tax Bylaw Amended

Bylaw 05-24 Truck Route Bylaw (Over Weight Vehicles)